Credit information is vital for every business.Extend credit to the wrong customer and you could face huge losses and expensive legal battles and you may be missing opportunities to extend more credit to your best
Credit information is vital for every business.Extend credit to the wrong customer and you could face huge losses and expensive legal battles and you may be missing opportunities to extend more credit to your best
Thanks to the success of general document management, Receivables Document Management was introduced as a way to improve the collections process. Instead of simply capturing images of documents to store away, receivables document management is
Most professionals in the accounts receivable department can feel like they’re drowning in work. Invoices continually go unpaid and the work to try and get those delinquent customers to pay continues to add up.
[vc_row][vc_column][call_to_action_box icon="person" top_margin="page-margin-top"]"They are a wonderful team to work with. When I call/email/submit a ticket I get a response almost immediately. Have you ever had to call for support and you end up speaking to
Invoice disputes are a huge hurdle to getting paid on time. The longer an invoice sits in dispute, the less chance you will have of collecting the full amount. Knowing when an invoice is
The most time a collections representatives spends on manual tasks is crafting and sending out emails. Researching the customer, finding supporting documents, finding invoice numbers, writing the email and any other tasks associated with