Many of the emails your collectors receive are regarding routine matters. They require manual effort to clear, and make it harder to keep up with collections. Also, customers don’t want to waste time writing emails on mundane issues because they have no other alternative.

Collections automation can clear out your accounting inbox with an online self-service customer portal, increase cash flow, and enhance customer experience.

Report Disputes

Messages regarding disputes are the source of many emails in your accounting inbox. Your collectors usually find out about disputes after the fact when the customer takes an unauthorized deduction. This triggers a barrage of emails between your team, the customer, and the stakeholders on both sides.

The solution to handling disputes is collections automation with an online self-service portal that allows the customer to report disputes and reach a resolution with the stakeholders. An online customer self-service portal with dispute reporting will help to clear out your accounting inbox, save time and increase cash flow.

Copies of Documents

Emails requesting documents are needless clutter in an accounting inbox. An online self-service portal makes it is easy for customers to access copies of invoices, statements and other documents. Customers save time when they don’t have to contact your team to get copies, and your team has more time to spend on priority collections. It’s a solution that benefits everyone.

Manage Profile

Profile management is essential to efficient operations and enhanced customer experience. However, you don’t want your accounting inbox stuffed with customer profile change requests. They take time to re-enter in your system and increase opportunities for data entry errors. Customers can self-manage their profile with collections automation that includes a customer self-service portal. They can enter the changes themselves instead of emailing your team. Self-service profile management will help to clear your accounting inbox and benefit you and your customer.

Give your customers the convenience and flexibility of a self-service portal. Cloud-based collections automation with a self-service portal allows customers to self-manage their accounts from any location when they want. An online self-service portal will clear out your accounting inbox, increase efficiency, accelerate cash flow, and enhance customer experience.

Digital Solutions

Accounts receivable and accounts payable cloud-based solutions with customer/vendor portals and digital processes keep vendors and customers connected whether they work remotely or not.

With a connected accounting solution for your accounts receivable and accounts payable teams to coordinate work with customers and vendors, you can go digital and enjoy the benefits of office automation.

Lockstep Collect, a leader in cloud-based connected accounting solutions, can help you boost productivity and optimize cash flow with:

  • Automated Communications
  • Customer Self-service
  • Collections Activity Management
  • Reporting & Forecasting

Lockstep is an experienced software partner that can help you increase efficiency and accelerate cash flow.

If you would like to learn more about how you can benefit from connected accounting solutions, please contact Lockstep at