Managing credit risk in the produce industry is vitally important. The value of shipments can be very large, so even one bad debt could be a catastrophe for some growers. Protecting against this risk
Managing credit risk in the produce industry is vitally important. The value of shipments can be very large, so even one bad debt could be a catastrophe for some growers. Protecting against this risk
Growers, distributors, shippers and others, who deal in fresh and frozen fruits and vegetables, located in the United States can help to protect themselves from unfair and fraudulent practices, including nonpayment of invoices, by
The Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act (PACA) was enacted by Congress in 1930 to protect growers, distributors and others who deal in fresh and frozen fruits and vegetables, from unfair and fraudulent practices including nonpayment
Simplified collections for the agriculture industry From small family farms to national agricultural distributors, accounts receivable automation increases cash flow, lowers the amount of time you spend managing collections and helps eliminate bad debt.
For those in the agricultural industry, the Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act, or PACA, is a well-known piece of legislation that affects the sale of goods. For those that sell produce or other perishable goods, it’s
Agricultural industries are some of the most unique when it comes to accounts receivable. Majority of business occurs during three to four months, and then it will taper off as the season ends. The rest