In the construction industry, contracts may be written on a completed contract basis or percentage-of- completion basis. In the case of a completed contract, you issue only one invoice when the job is finished. Percentage-of-completion

By |March 21, 2019|Construction|Comments Off on HOW TO WRITE AN INVOICE FOR CONSTRUCTION WORK

How Mechanic’s Liens Affect Cash Flow

If you are a contractor, mechanic’s liens can help you collect your accounts receivable and improve your cash flow. Mechanic’s lien laws, which may vary by state, were enacted to provide protection to you,

By |March 14, 2019|Construction|Comments Off on How Mechanic’s Liens Affect Cash Flow

The State of Accounts Receivable In The Construction Industry

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The construction industry has historically used manual processes in its business of building houses, office towers, bridges, factories and other structures. The process of constructing a building does not lend itself easily to automation. Only

By |March 5, 2019|Construction|Comments Off on The State of Accounts Receivable In The Construction Industry
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