The best way to ensure you collect on unpaid accounts is reaching out to customers personally and talking with them on the phone. It is much harder for a customer to ignore an email than it is for them to ignore your phone calls. It is also much harder for a customer to give excuses when they are speaking with you than it is to put time and thought into the excuse email they send you. Overall, accounts receivable phone calls are the most effective way to get customers to pay on time.On the flip side, who really has the time to make phone calls to every single customer that needs to pay and then follow up with them a week or two later? It takes time to find the customer information, prepare for the call with information about their account and have a conversation with the person on the other line. This is where phone call management comes in.
Phone call management is a way to organize and automate the accounts receivable phone call process. Every time you log into an accounts receivable software solution with phone call management, you can see exactly who needs to be called and when. All the information for each customer can be found in one spot. This includes information such as the customer’s current balance, past due invoices, paid invoices, communication notes, emails and past phone call notes. Additionally, you can make a phone call right from the customer’s account screen. That call will then be recorded and transcribed back into their customer notes.
If a customer were to call you to get their balance and account information, you could end up fielding those calls all day. Phone call management for accounts receivable allows the customers to self-serve this process by calling into a menu where they can access their personal information. This saves tons of time that can be better spent calling accounts that simply have chosen not to pay.
The point of phone call management is to be able to easier access customer information so calls can be made more quickly and frequently. The system allows for better notes to be taken on the phone calls by recording and transcribing, allowing collection representatives to focus on having a productive conversation with the customer. All of these features simply add up to collecting more with less effort.